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Senators 50-50 Selling Update

The Condors are extremely grateful to once again be beneficiaries of the Sens Foundation! As such, there is a reciprocal relationship in which we need to be involved in the selling of 50-50 tickets at the Sens home games. So far, we have dates for the month of October, the rest of the season’s dates will be added to our website as we receive them.

Last year, the Condors were able to earn almost $6,000 from our share of the 50-50 efforts! That money goes a long way and we are so thankful to those who gave up their own time to be a part of our selling group.

Selling 50-50 requires that folks, ages 18 yrs and up, arrive two hours before the game, and sell until the end of the second intermission at the latest. Selling is not difficult (it’s a really an easy sell – most of the time people approach you), but there is a bit of training that needs to happen on the handheld machines. If training is required (first time selling only), we are asked to arrive an additional 15 – 30 minutes early. Parking for volunteers is free and there is free pizza when you’re done!

If this is something that interests you, please click on the link above (Senators 50/50 Sellers Needed) to sign-up in the time-slots we have available. We need 10 sellers per game. Please do pass along this request to your hockey team, ball team, golf buddies, coworkers, church friends, etc.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact our Condors 50-50 Coordinator, Bruce Macdonald: Bruce.macdonald@rogers.com

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