Board of Directors
These are the Condors cornerstone values. We are incredibly grateful to our dedicated and professional Board of Directors comprised of community and business leaders, parents and wonderful caring volunteers who keep these values at the center of all we do!
The Capital City Condors are an award-winning
Registered Charitable organization #82728 8515 RR0001.
Our operations are overseen by a terrific group of people, elected bi-annually by our membership, who make up the Board of Directors. Here is our 2024-2026 BOD:
Ramashan (Ram) Manikavasagar, Chair of the Board
I live in Kanata for past 14 years with my wife Subajini, son Athishan (Athi), daughter Shankari and my mother-in-law Maheswary. We found about the Condors through Coach Lloyd’s wife Linda (Athi’s former teacher from South March Public School) in 2015 and joined the Capital City Condors family the following season. Hockey became Athi’s favorite sports activity since he joined Condors. I’m really happy to be part of the Condors Board of Directors and hope to be able to support this great organization anyway I can.
Mylène Jolicoeur – VICE-CHAIR of the board

I have been a fan of the great Canadian hockey game – starting as a number one cheerleader (i.e. hockey sister) to becoming a proud hockey mom.
Je vis à Aylmer (Gatineau) avec mon conjoint Anthony, nos deux enfants Dawson et Lucy et nos chiens et chats! Lucy est fière athlète des Capital City Condors depuis Septembre 2022. En plus de mon rôle au sein du conseil d’administration, vous pouvez me trouver sur la patinoire les samedis, en tant que volontaire pour le Groupe 1.
Je suis aussi avocate de profession et bénévole auprès des Olympiques Spéciaux. Je suis parfaitement bilingue et je joins ce conseil d’administration avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme. The Capital City Condors have provided our daughter with the opportunity to play a sport that she loves and we are forever grateful for this opportunity. Go Condors!
Geoffrey North, Legal Counsel
Geoffrey North is the founder of anticIPate Law, an innovative and leading intellectual property law firm that assists clients with all their patent, trade-mark, industrial design, copyright, and IP litigation needs (and more).
Geoff prepared the Condors by-laws, incorporated and registered the Condors as a charity, and sits on the Board to assist in overseeing the management and direction of the Condors, having served with the Condors since 2009. Geoff lives in Kanata with his wife, Carrie, his two teenage boys, Johnathan and Colton, and his two golden doodles, Chrissy and Janet … and is a huge fan of the Condors hockey players.
Courtney Rego, Director of Coaching
I live in the East end of Orleans and have been a volunteer with the Condors for the past 12 years. For those 12 years I mainly worked with the east-end programs with Coach Lloyd, after a few years I was thrilled to be asked to take the position of Head Coach and continued to work with Lloyd as he became the Condors Director of Coaching. After many years of incredible selfless service, Lloyd decided to take a step back and he asked me stepped into the role of Director of Coaching where I have been honoured to serve ever since!
When I am not at the rink on Saturdays, or lending a hand to help set up with fundraisers, you can find me watching Sens & Ottawa Charge hockey, playing rugby, talking about Condor’s hockey and working as a nurse here in Ottawa. As a registered nurse, my passion will be to work with gastrointestinal patients, specifically those with Crohn’s and Colitis; however, my dream would be in a specialty where I could work with special needs children.
Being a volunteer with the Capital City Condors organization has truly shaped me into the person I am today. Every day I find myself counting down until Saturday for practice and getting to see all of the smiling faces of our players and their wonderful families.
Wendell McConnell, Treasurer
Wendell is a local accountant (CPA) concentrating on small business and personal tax preparation, and has run his own practice for close to 30 years. He lives in Kanata with his wife Nancy, has two adult children and three wonderful grandchildren. Wendell was a hockey goalie all his playing days and retired from the game a number of years ago due to serious knee injuries, misses the on ice experience, but so enjoys the times he is able to take in the Condors and also his grandson’s time on the ice. He is proud to be a part of this organization that gives such special young people the opportunity to participate in the game of hockey, making new and lasting friendships with their fellow players, parents and coaches. Contact Wendell!
Jim Stackhouse, MEMBER AT LARGE

I live in Nepean with my wife Kim and our two sons Cameron & Kyle. We discovered the Capital City Condors in 2015 while Cameron was swimming with Special Olympics and joined the Condors Family in 2016 . I have been involved with the Social Committee & Fundraising efforts for our Hockey Team .
I work in the Activities Department as a Shuttle Driver for an Ottawa Retirement Home . I am proud to be a member of the Board Of Directors, helping to promote the vision and values of our Hockey Team to the community .
Kevin Hughes, Condors Director of Safety

Kevin lives in Ottawa’s south end with his wife and two sons. His son Adam joined the Condors in 2016 and the whole family has been inspired ever since. Adam loves all things Condors, including the weekly practices, and in particular the special events, tournaments and his coaches.
By day, Kevin is responsible for product development in the wireless communications sector, and in the evenings and on weekends, is an active volunteer in the community. He is an active hockey coach and trainer, has convened and coaches community softball and has volunteered for many years with Scouts Canada.
Kevin is very proud to join the Condors Board of Directors and is looking forward to contributing however he can. Contact Kevin

I have been involved with Capital City Condors as a parent since their second year of operation. We have twin boys Aaron and Taylor who have played the entire time.
My professional life is with Hitachi ID Systems working as a Sr. Sales Engineer (19 years now) but the work that makes me truly happy is woodworking. I have an industrial design background (Carleton University ’85) and have worked as furniture designer for many years. Today my wife Darlene and I operate Canadian Urns ( designing and manufacturing wood cremation urns as a business that will hopefully see us into retirement. We also have two older boys, Kevin and Greg who both live local as well.
I was born and raised in Ottawa with a strong love for hockey and being involved in the community. I first started volunteering with the Capital City Condors in 2017 when our Ottawa Fire Hockey team took on the Condors in the “Inferno Cup”. Once I hit the ice and started interacting with the players I was hooked and was up to volunteer in anyway I could. In 2022 I was approached to join the Board of Directors which I am proud to say I am a part of today. To this day, I not only sit on the board but love participating as an on-ice trainer. I thank the Condors for welcoming me into their family and look forward to many great memories in the years to come.
Thank-you, Condors Board of Directors for all the work you do on behalf of our team!
We would be remiss to not thank our past Board Members for their incredible contributions to the Condors family:
Andrew Wilson, Head Coach Kanata
Andrew joined the Condors family in 2018 and has been part of our on-ice team for our entry level Condors ever since. He took on the role of Head Coach for the Level 1s in 2019 and recently stepped down from the BOD after serving for a number of years. A lawyer during the weekday hours, Andrew has been a lifelong hockey player and coach and now loves to be involved with new Condors who are just getting their feet underneath them on the ice. The smiles that he sees on their faces match those on his own face as he sees a Condor take his or her first tentative steps on the ice, only to gradually take flight. He is thrilled to be part of such an amazing team.
Andrew MacKenzie, Webmaster
Shane Hiley, Coach & Member at Large
My journey started with the Condors in January of 2020 as a volunteer coach and the Saturday afternoons at the rink quickly became something l looked forward to each week. I’ve lived in Ottawa for most of my life and have always been heavily involved in the hockey world with 20+ years as a player and 5+ years as a coach/scout/mentor. When I’m not at the rink, I spend my time hiking, reading, doing yoga, or just relaxing with friends.
Solomon Fisher, past Secretary
I’m a medical student at the University of Ottawa currently living in Orleans, and I have been coaching and teaching athletes with adapted needs since 2016. I’ve found it to be such a rewarding and enriching experience as these people are some of the strongest and most genuine I have ever met. Having played hockey for many years, I’ve experienced what the players are living now, and so I hope to bring forward new ideas to help the team bond and create unforgettable memories together. I’ve found passion in helping the players succeed, and I want to go the next step in helping them develop, achieve their goals and have fun. Go Condors Go!
Je suis étudiant en médecine à l’Université d’Ottawa et je vis actuellement à Orléans. Depuis 2016, j’entraîne et j’enseigne à des athlètes ayant des besoins adaptés. J’ai trouvé l’expérience si enrichissante et gratifiante, car ces personnes sont parmi les plus fortes et les plus authentiques que j’ai jamais rencontrées. Ayant joué au hockey pendant de nombreuses années, j’ai fait l’expérience de ce que les joueurs vivent maintenant, et j’espère donc apporter de nouvelles idées pour aider l’équipe à se rapprocher et à créer ensemble des souvenirs inoubliables. J’ai trouvé la passion en aidant les joueurs à réussir, et je veux passer à l’étape suivante en les aidant à se développer, à atteindre leurs objectifs et à s’amuser. Allez les Condors, allez !
Lloyd Lewis, past Director of Coaching
Coach Lloyd lives in Kanata with his wife Linda. He’s a Project Manager at Horizant. Lloyd joined the Condors on-ice coaching staff early in its first season (back in 2008) and was primarily a one-on-one coach. In 2011 Lloyd served in a pivotal coaching role in starting the Condors expansion to Rockland. In 2014 Lloyd stepped up to be the east-end Head Coach while continuing to develop an amazing crew of dedicated volunteers as well as phenomenal relationships with Condors players and parents alike. In 2019, Coach Lloyd stepped up again to be the Director of Coaching. He now oversees 3 Core Coaching teams as well as 35 volunteer coaches! Coach Lloyd has served on the Board of Directors since 2015.
Rob Foley, past Chairperson of the Board
Rob lives in Stittsville with his wife, Kelly, daughter, Meaghan and of course, his endlessly energetic Condor son, Shaun. He moved to Ottawa for his job but decided to stay because of the Capital City Condors. The Condors were one of the main reasons that he decided he would retire ( but not stop working) from the Military after 25 years and put down roots here. He is honored to be the Chair of the Condors Board of Directors and hopefully will be able to give back even a portion of what the Condors have given him and his family.
Terry White, Past Chairperson of the Board
Terry loves the great Canadian game of hockey and is thrilled that his son Brennan, now 16, has been an enthusiastic player with the Condors for the past seven years. Terry and his wife Charlene, both retired teachers, enjoy being involved hockey parents, especially with such a wonderful group of Condors families. We are very proud that our Condors team hosted an amazing SHI Hockey tournament here in Ottawa in 2015. Go, Condors, Go! Contact Terry!
Terry adore le meilleur jeu canadien, le hockey! Il est très content que son fils Brennan, qui a maintenant 16 ans, a été un joueur enthousiaste avec les Condors depuis sept ans. Terry et son épouse Charlene, tous les deux des enseignants retraités, aiment bien être des parents impliqués au hockey, particulièrement avec un tel groupe fantastique de familles des Condors. Nous sommes très fiers que les Condors ont étés les hôtes pour le Tournoi International de Hockey Spécial ici à Ottawa en 2015. Allez-y, les Condors!
Shawn LeBouthillier, Past Head Coach
Coach Shawn lives in Kanata with his wife, Sandra and son, Tylen. He is a fluently bilingual engineer and works at Alcatel-Lucent. Hockey has always been Shawn’s favourite sport so when Jim mentioned starting the team the first season, he jumped at the opportunity to be involved. He is the Head Coach of all 4 of the Kanata groups and looks forward to each Saturday when he gets to spend time with the kids at the rink. Sandra and Tylen can be found supporting the team by rocking their Condors swag and oftentimes skating with the team too!
Lyne Dagenais, Past Secretary
Je suis la mère de 4 enfants dont les deux plus jeunes, Christopher et Audrey-Ann, ont des besoins particuliers. Christopher et Audrey-Ann entreprennent leur huitième saison de hockey au sein de l’équipe des Capital City Condors. Je suis maintenant à la retraite et désire contribuer davantage à la mission de l’organisation. Dès ses débuts, les dirigeants de l’équipe ont démontré de l’ouverture en acceptant que mes enfants puissent se joindre à l’équipe même s’ils proviennent d’une province différente. Je désire contribuer à l’avancement de ce programme afin de permettre au plus grand nombre d’enfants à besoins particuliers de combler leur rêve de jouer au hockey.
Je peux offrir au programme mon expérience acquise en tant que parent, gestionnaire et bénévole. J’ai en effet été membre du Conseil d’administration du Centre de réadaptation en déficience intellectuelle et en trouble du spectre de l’autisme de l’Outaouais pendant dix ans. J’ai travaillé au gouvernement fédéral pendant plus de trente ans et acquis diverses compétences en matière de gestion des ressources humaines, financières et matérielles ainsi que de planification opérationnelle et stratégique.
Mark Jamensky, Past Member at Large & Head of the Golf Tournament Committee
Mark lives in Ottawa with his wife Karen Faloon, and their two children Joel and Kendra (who are now young adults). Joel has played on the Condors since 2010, and he absolutely loves being a member of this amazing team. As a family we have all made tremendous new friendships on the Condors, and have being through some wonderful and unique experiences. The weekly practices and the annual tournaments continue to be highlights of our life. Mark has worked in high-tech for 25+ years and is currently EVP Products at Embotics. Mark has been helping out with the annual golf tournament fundraiser since 2012, and is currently operating as Chair of the Kyle Turris Capital City Condors Golf Classic. Mark is excited to join the Condors board and further help grow this fantastic organization.
Tara Borowiecki, Past Member at Large
Tara was born and raised in Ottawa, and is lucky enough to still call it home with her husband Mark. They live just outside of the city with their three dogs Axel, Remi and Tikka. Hockey has always been a significant part of their lives, but after Kyle and Julie Turris introduced them to the Capital City Condors, the significance of the game and the community changed. The meaning of “Bigger than Hockey” is exactly what the Borowiecki’s want to be a part of. Tara and Mark saw the Condors magic first hand a couple of years ago, when the Turris’ brought them out to a Saturday skate. Fast forward to the present, and they are honoured to have been asked to take the torch as the newest honourary captains. The Condors family as a whole has been nothing short of amazing at welcoming Tara and Mark. While they know they have huge shoes to fill, they are eager to be a part of something so wonderful! Tara is looking forward to all of the fun ahead, and is so excited to be a part of the BOD. She is ready to contribute to the organization and help in any way that she can. Go Condors Go!
Elaine Willcock, Past Chairperson (consulting non-voting role)
I live in the south end of Ottawa and have been involved in a number of different charitable boards throughout the years. From daycares to the Down Syndrome Association (NCR) and DSA Ontario to the Capital City Condors, I love being involved and contributing in ways that I can. I have always believed in inclusion and think that the Condors organization encapsulates all that I love. I want our athletes to experience hockey, athleticism, sportsmanship and leadership. They teach us lessons every week!
Sandra Wallace, Past Board Member & Head of Fundraising
Sandra lives in Carp with her husband Ross, and daughters Reagan and Camryn. Introduced to the Condors through the National Capital Down Syndrome Association, Sandra knew that this was an organization that her family would have to be involved with! Her daughter Camryn has been “skating” with the Condors for the past six years, and loves every minute of it! Sandra was thrilled to serve on the Condors Board of Directors and hopes to continue to give back to the organization that has brought her family so much joy!
Julie Turris, Past Board Member & Gratitude Committee
Julie lives in Nashville, TN with her husband Kyle, children Beckett, Teddie, & Cooper and dog Leo. She lived in the Ottawa area for 6 years and loved being a part of the Condors family and serving on the BOD. After being introduced to the organization through their good friends Matt & Kary Carkner back in 2012, Julie & Kyle immediately fell in love with the kids and their families; it was an instant connection and something they knew they had to be a part of. She enjoyed going to the Saturday skates as well as dancing with the kid’s at the Christmas party and end of the year banquet. The Condors have brought her family immense joy and she and Kyle take the entire team with them in their hearts as they head down to their new home in the southern US. #foreveracondor
Richard Ouimet, Past Secretary & Member at Large
Richard lives in Bourget, East of Ottawa with his special needs son Christian. He has been involved with many non profit organizations including Boy Scouts, a CI in Air Cadets as a pipe band leader, Head Coach for the North Gloucester Giants foot ball club, Cumberland Panthers as well as coaching assistant in hockey and soccer. Richard is also involved with his church as the choir leader. After becoming aware of the Condors, he enrolled his son Christian in the program and has never looked back. Richard can’t say enough of the organization and what it brings to Christian and the rest of the Condors players. He’s very proud to be a part of such a great group of wonderful people. Richard felt he wasn’t doing enough for the Condors so after an amazing experience helping out with the International hockey tournament, joined the Board Of Directors. Richard served for 3 years as a Member at Large and as Secretary and although not currently on the Board, plans to stay very involved with the team and supportive of all things Condors!
Ian Anderson, Past Chairperson & Golf Tournament Committee
Ian lives in Kanata with his partner Tracy Seaton, and is proud father of two amazing boys. Isaac was an original Condor and Shaun was an on-ice volunteer for several years prior to moving away for school. Ian has occupied many roles on the Condors, including the Board’s initial Chair until fall 2013, on-ice volunteer, and along with Matt Bennett started what is now the Kyle Turris Capital City Condors Golf Classic. Most importantly he is a proud hockey Papa. Apart from having our lives blessed by the many amazing Condors, we have been welcomed as part of such a giving and vibrant community that has touched our lives beyond imagination. Condor is a word that holds so much significance in all of our lives. Thank you Jim and Shana, Matt and Kari, Kyle and Julie, and the countless friends and selfless volunteers of Condors nation!
Janet Kooiman, Past Head of Fundraising
MaryJo Arpin, Past Director at Large
Bonni Macgregor, Past General Manager
Adriana Rincon, Past Volunteer Coordinator
Ian Mendes, Past Board Member
Matt Bennett, Past Director, Sponsorship & Golf Committee 2009-2012
Art Seidel, Past Treasurer
Here are our Co-Founders:
Jim & Shana Perkins (functioning on the board as President & GM respectively)
Jim and Shana are thrilled to be part of the Condors family, and friends with such an incredible group of people! Interacting with the players, parents and the many volunteers, at practices, social events, fundraisers and tournaments, are highlights for the Perkins family! Jim and Shana are so excited about the growth Condors Hockey has seen over the past 15 seasons. They look forward to the continued expansion of the programs in Ottawa (Capital City Condors), Cambridge (The Blades), and beyond while promoting and supporting adapted hockey teams in communities across Canada!
The entire Perkins crew loves the Condors community, and can’t believe it has been 15 years of #makinghockeyhappen already! Wow! Their lives have been enriched through each person connected to this adapted hockey program.
#biggerthanhockey #adaptedhockeyrocks #inclusion