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My Ottawa: Outgoing U.S. Ambassador David L. Cohen talks hockey diplomacy and ice cream

The Ottawa Business Journal did an interview with Condors friend David Cohen, who is now the outgoing US Ambassador to Canada.


The Condors are mentioned several times and here is an excerpt:

What Ottawa personality, past or present, do you admire?
I am going to broaden this question to express my deep admiration for the Capital City Condors and the organization’s commitment to create life-changing opportunities for underserved youth and individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities to participate in sport. Those young people define the word “inspiration” for me. Through the inclusive approach of the Condors, the team and program, under the leadership and stewardship of founder Jim Perkins and his wife, embody the spirit of community, providing players of all ages and abilities with personal care, attention, and a chance to experience the joy of hockey.

I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with the Condors on multiple occasions, including during a ceremonial puck drop at a mixed scrimmage featuring Condors players, the Ottawa 67s, and the U.S. Embassy team. One of my most prized possessions from my time in Canada is the official Condors hockey jersey that the team presented to me. The Condors remind us of the transformative power of sport and its ability to bring people together, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.


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