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Thank you for another AWESOME golf tournament!

Well, now it’s feeling like summer!
Difficult to consider that just a week ago we were slightly chilled as we played around the Marshes at the Kyle Turris / Capital City Condors Golf Classic. And while we might have been a bit cooler than desired, we remained quite DRY, despite the 90% chance of heavy rains which had been forecast a day earlier. We are VERY grateful that the rains held off, and we were able to enjoy an incredible day together.  I’ve said it often over the last number of years, and I heard a few of you say it on Monday, being around these special kids warms you up anyway, so enjoy the moment! 


As many of you heard at the supper, you helped us raise $58,000.00 at this year’s tournament!!!  That’s amazing, and speaks so well to your kindness, generosity and tremendous support!  I wish I had the opportunity to tell each of you (either in person, or with a microphone that wasn’t ringing!) some of the stories of these players and their families.  As you’ve heard us say before, this is a very unique hockey program that goes so far beyond the sport itself – it’s much bigger than hockey!  This community has grown numerically, grown closer to each other, and embedded itself into the greater Ottawa community, not only because so many have embraced the vision so amazingly, but also I believe, because these exceptional kids and their families, have something of great significance to teach the rest of us, and when you get close enough to it, it rubs off on you.  Honestly, being around these kids makes us all better people!  The support you have shown makes all this possible, and allows us the privilege of partnering with you to see this continue to expand and include more life-changers.
George Washington Carver said, “No individual has any right to come into this world and go out of it without leaving behind him or her, distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it.”  Clearly you grasp that concept, as you are helping make an imprint of great significance.  Thank you!
If you’ll bear with me just a couple more moments, there are some people I really want to thank directly, who together really made the day happen.
Mark Jamensky (tournament chairman) – Unbelievable job again!
Tournament Committee – Christie, Sue, Steph, Ian – SO well done!  What a team!


Here we go – this is an incredible group!

ALL-STAR Sponsor:

Ian McLaren and the McLaren Family Trust – a deeply valued and respected friend, and generous supporter.

Starting Line-up Sponsors:

  • Play it Again Sports and Dave Jensen
  • Oil-Changers Stittsville – Jon, Julia, Scotty and crew
  • Algonquin College School of Business
  • Bayview Windows
  • Dakota Automotive (now we know Andrew not only fixes cars, he’s an accomplished photographer too)
  • M-Roc Drilling and Blasting
  • MSi
  • Raymond James – Meliambro Private Wealth
  • 3 Brewers
  • Waste Management
  • Wesley Clover

Community Sponsors:

  • Bell
  • BMO
  • Nesbitt Burns – Ralph Wealth Management
  • Carleton Electric
  • Epicure (and Leah Edwards for spending her birthday with us on the course, supporting the Condors)
  • Hein and Associates
  • Labarge Weinstein
  • Ottawa Senators
  • Perth Power Sports and Marine
  • Rotary Ottawa Kanata Sunrise

There are just a few more who help make this event what it is, and who I want to recognize:

  • The Marshes Team – you guys make this such an amazing event, and your staff in our opinion, is AWESOME!!!
  • Ian Mendes – you are such an integral part of this program and this day.  Glad you got to play this year too!
  • TSN1200 – Lee Versage and AJ Jakubec for hosting such a great show from the event!  Thanks guys!
  • Ken Evraire – the reviews are coming in, and you did GREAT!  Thank you for all you did!
  • Blair Latour and BKL Design Group – your signage was once again SUPERB!
  • Steve and Rose Cain – For again helping us capture such great moments and memories from the day!
  • Russ Himes – Man!  You just keep giving, and helping, and then giving some more!  Thanks!
  • OVER 70 volunteers!!!  You guys are AMAZING, and again, YOU make this all possible.
  • All who donated to the LIVE and SILENT Auction, and raffle items.
  • CONDORS Players!  You guys and gals make this day SO MUCH FUN for everybody!  You are the piece to this tournament that sets it all apart from everything else!  Your smiles make us smile, and your hugs and high-fives warm our hearts even on cold days!!!  Huge thanks to all of you!!!
And I saved these two for last – so I really hope everyone is still reading…


Where do we even begin???  You guys, from day one, have gone so far above and beyond, to assure us of how deep your care, concern and compassion is for all of these players, their families, and the other volunteers who give so much time and attention to the Condors organization.  You do so much more than I can outline here, and give in ways that are beyond explanation.  We are proud of your accomplishments with your “other” team, but are even more proud to be able to call you our friends.  Perhaps one Mom and Dad said it best a few days ago, “There’s sure no one in the Condors Family, kids or parents, who ever has to wonder about whether Kyle and Julie love them.”
Thanks for your time especially on this day – and for playing the 8th hole over and over, and over again.
We appreciate you more than words can say!
We’re hoping you all had a fantastic time at the tournament, and really value any feedback you can give us that will help us make the day even better.
Here are a couple links for you – one is a Thank-You letter from Kyle, the other, Steve’s photo album from the day:

Cainco Gallery: Turris Condors golf 2017

Again, HUGE thanks for being part of the day, for your smiles and gracious support, and for embracing this special community and being part of seeing it continue to grow.
Make it a great day!
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