Condors Masters Raffle Cheque Presentation
Thanks to the generosity of all those who bought tickets for the Condors Masters Raffle, the Rotary Club of Ottawa Kanata Sunrise presented a cheque today to the Capital City Condors for $8,000. The support of the local community led to more than $17,000 being raised in total, with monies also going to the Rotary Club’s volunteer efforts in the city such as the Kanata Food Cupboard, Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre, West Ottawa Community Resource Centre, Rotary Home and Support our Troops fund.
(pictured left-to-right: Kanata North Councilor Marianne Wilkinson, Dwight Brown from the Rotary Club, Ian Anderson of the Condors, John Beard also from the Rotary Club, and Kanata South Councilor Allan Hubley)